Silniki szachowe - uaktualnienie zbiorów!

41 engines for Android  new!
132 engines the letter A
96 engines the letter B 
196 engines the letter C
162 engines the letter D
61 engines the letter E
174 engines the letter F
150 engines the letter G 
96 engines the letter H  new! 
140 engines the letter I
32 engines the letter J
52 engines the letter K
34 engines the letter L 
113 engines the letter M new!
89 engines the letter N 
38 engines the letter O 
93 engines the letter P
7 engines the letter Q  new!
169 Chess engines the letter R  new!
228 engines the letter S
65 engines the letter T(1) new!
62 engines the letter T(2)  new!
39 engines the letter U
52 engines the letter V
34 engines the letter W
26 engines the letter Z

 Stockfish - official versions (28 files)

Stockfish - 2012 compilations (14 files)

Stockfish - 2013 compilations (46 files)

Stockfish - 2014 compilations (57 files)

Stockfish - 2015.I_III compilations (76 files)

Stockfish - 2015.IV-VI compilations (32 files)

Stockfish - 2015.VII-IX compilations (31 files)

Stockfish - 2015.X-XII compilations (59 files)

Stockfish other versions (39 files)


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