Stockfish - silnik szachowy UCI
Poprzednie wersje Stockfish
Autor kompilacji - syzygy
Poprzednie wersje Stockfish
Autor kompilacji - syzygy
Informacje o wersji:
Timestamp: 1477542382
Output PV if last iteration does not complete
Instead of outputting "info nodes ... time ..." when the last
iteration is interrupted, simply call UCI::pv() to output the PV.
I thought about calling UCI:pv() with bounds -VALUE_INFINITE, VALUE_INFINITE to avoid "lowerbound" or "upperbound" appearing in it, but I'm not sure that would be any better.
This patch fixes rare inconsistencies between the first move of
the last PV output and the bestmove played. It also makes sure
that all the latest statistics are sent to the GUI (not only nodes
and time but also nps, tbhits, hashfull).
No functional change.
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