Nowe wersje silników szachowych:Stockfish, Matefinder and CorChess 24.12.2018 Embla 2.0.5 Arminius 2018-12-23 Brainfish 181227 Raubfisch X39e3 and GTZ18e3 Sting sf 11.5 McCain X Baron 3.44 Sting sf 11.8 Arasan 21.2 (Windows, Mac and Linux) Roc 1.0 (derived from Gull 3) Frank-Walter 2.2.6 Greko 2018.12.31 Fridolin 3.0 Raubfisch X39e3a and GTZ18e3a Raubfisch X39e3b and GTZ18e3b

Silnik do pobrania AutorJCER Type
Stockfish, Matefinder and CorChess 24.12.2018 compiled by I. Ivec 3391 UCI
Embla  2.0.5 Folkert van Heusden1998 UCI
Arminius 2018-12-23 Volker Annuss 2484 UCI
Brainfish 181227 --- 3387 UCI
Raubfisch X39e3 and GTZ18e3 Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler 3396 UCI
Sting sf 11.5 Marek Kwiatkowski 2951 UCI
McCain X --- 3343 UCI
Baron 3.44 Richard Pijl 2635 UCI
Sting sf 11.8 Marek Kwiatkowski
Arasan 21.2 (Windows, Mac and Linux) Jon Dart 2964 UCI
Roc 1.0 (derived from Gull 3) Demichev/Hyer 2833 winboard
Frank-Walter 2.2.6 Laurens Winkelhagen ---- winboard (java)
Greko 2018.12.31 Vladimir Medvedev 2561 UCI
Fridolin 3.0 Christian Sommerfeld
1919 UCI
Raubfisch X39e3a and GTZ18e3a Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler 3396 UCI
Raubfisch X39e3b and GTZ18e3b Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler
3389 UCI


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