16 silników szachowych: Aldebaran 070, BrainFish 180812, BrainFish 180818, BrainFish 180821, Dorky 4.8, Ethereal 10.92, Galjoen 0.39.2, Greko 2018.08, Invictus 0.001, Pirarucu 2.3.8, Raubfisch X38e1_and_GTZ17e1, Raubfisch_X38e_and_GTZ17e, ShashChess Pro 3.0, Stockfish 18082021, SugaR XPrO 180818, Weini 0.0.23. Pełny dostęp do folderu: CHESS ENGINES - ponad 3000 plików! If you do not want to wait a long time for download - donate a minimum of 10$, enter your email - you will gain full access to the folder with chess engines. Bonus on donate of 15$ - acces to the folder with games, tables, engines pack. My email: jotes@go2.pl